Recent dry weather on the Sunshine Coast makes for awesome riding but, as the days start to warm up, so does the risk of coming across oil spills from vehicles starting to over heat in hot summer conditions.

As we prepared to head back into summer riding remember to ride to the condition that are on hand.

  • Stay Hydrated!!!! concentration is paramount to your safety on a motorcycle.
  • Keep wearing your protective gear!   Just because its hot does not mean its going to hurt any less.
  • Buy good quality lighter riding gear for summer……Textile jackets with plenty of ventilation and light Kevlar jeans.
  • Slow down at the first sign of light rain after a dry spell……road is at its slipperiest.
  • As always keep your maintenance up on your bike particularly coolent and oil levels. (QMS maintenance course starting soon)
  • Stay safe and enjoy the ride!
